Climate Positive
Offsetting vehicle emissions 120% with every kilometre driven

Transport accounts for 46% of New Zealand's energy greenhouse gas emissions
Mevo is the world's first climate positive car share. Being climate positive means that every time a Mevo member finishes a trip in one of our cars, the climate is left in a better state than when the trip started.
We reduce our emissions by charging our hybrid and battery electric models on New Zealand's 80% renewable grid, and we offset everything else our fleet emits by 120%. This leaves a net deficit in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere with every kilometre a Mevo vehicle drives.
By empowering our members to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere with their everyday transportation we're hoping to see more demand for this kind of business practice and a steady reduction in emissions across New Zealand.
Offsetting with carbon credits
We carefully monitor all greenhouse gas emissions caused by the Mevo fleet, and work with our partners at Ekos to buy carbon credits at 120% of our emissions. This cost is built into our pricing.
All our CO2 offsets come from internationally certified, carbon credit projects in New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, and India.
Mevo's most recent Climate Positive Certification with Ekos was valid until 31 March 2023. Mevo is actively working with Ekos to renew this certification. In the meantime, Mevo has estimated and will offset the emissions for the period between the last certification until the end of this financial year, to ensure any Climate Positive claims or pre-offsets claimed by Mevo's clients remain valid.